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A wedding in South of Italy

 Scenography, Lighting design & Illustrations 

This private event, which took place in an exquisite resort, consisted of three days of extravaganza festivities in three different locations for the young couple and their 800 guests.
Our visual and lighting scenography aimed not only at illuminating all the indoor/outdoor spaces and live performances, but most of all at creating a unique magical and fairytale atmosphere. Using theatrical lighting techniques and creating light art installations, we enhanced the areas and live performances, surprised the guests and arouse their emotions. The multitude of atmospheres that we were able to produce immersed the newlyweds and their guests in an enchanting and luxurious journey of mystery and joy.

Client: ACT Lighting Design
Concept Design & Project management: Koert Vermeulen, Pavla Beranova & Julie Boniche

August 2014 in Puglia, Italy