Light Flows, Colorado Wave light festival 2019

Creative director and Content Director •

Once upon a time… Light Flows in Colorado.
In this particular case, we got the chance to work above the beautiful blue river which brings a flowing feeling to our floating light, we thought that the theme should be linked to the essential roots of the place. The river will be reflecting and spreading the light all around the area, which amplifies greatly the immersion and creates a strong link between water and light.

“Light Flows” tells the story of light suspended between sky and water. It proposes a contemplation of natural effects of light directly inspired by the poetic wonderful lights you can see in the sky and in the water. The installation is based on a simple yet very magical effect, our video netting technic (created for our previous installation Light Matters). We use a very light almost invisible suspended surface as the canvas of the story we want to illustrate.

In the middle of the darkness of the night, a floating animated light will appear on this surface, inviting the public to look up to the sky, and live an immersive experience into a poetic tale.

The reflections of the river will extend the image into the natural surrounding of the site.
Finally, some lights in the trees around will also extend the big picture created by Light Flows, to make it as immersive as possible.

It gives something quite particular to a place. Anywhere, this installation completely morphs with its environment. It becomes site specific in a glimpse, so it’s always a rediscovery of our floating lights.

A sound atmosphere comes along this experience to create the right mood, the right emotion.

Designed & Produced by ACTLD

Principal designer / Director: Koert Vermeulen
Creative Director: Julie Boniche
Project Manager: Ana Vargas
Technical team: Jordan Lachèvre, Luc de Climmer and Lucia DoSouto